Choose your Environment![]() I took this beautiful magnolia blossom from its tree a couple of days ago. I placed it in a jar of water. The next day, it opened up; it’s beauty and fragrance filled my room. This brought me so much joy. I woke up the next morning, and it was completely withered and brown. Reluctantly, I placed it in the trash. Moments later, I realized what I did - selfishly, I took something that was flourishing in its natural environment and placed it where I knew I could not provide the nutrition it needed (all for my own short term gain). I knew I could not invest the time nor energy that its tree provided which allowed it to become what it was the day I found it: beautiful, strong, healthy and vibrant. Instead, the environment I provided drained the life out of it and caused it to die. The magnolia had no choice. I clipped it, and it had no means of getting reattached to its tree. We, however, have a choice. When circumstances place you in an environment that is unwilling to provide or invest what you need to grow, be the beautiful person you are, and flourish in doing so, remember what happened to my flower. Remove yourself. If it doesn’t bring you life, let it go. Walk away. Don’t allow it to clip you from your tree. And if you thought it was a better environment, leave as soon as you notice it isn’t. Don’t stay once you know it is sucking the life from you… the longer you wait, you might not be able to be reattached to your tree. ![]() A little less than three years ago, I bought a dog from a rescue shelter. I knew that I could provide what she needed to blossom and grow. I was willing to make the investment to provide what she needed. The handler said, "Ma'am, this dog is very challenging... If you are unable to manage her, then just bring her back. She requires a lot of patience." The lady handed me a card and Sunny (my dog) stood beside her shaking so confused. At that moment, she did not have a home. Her current environment was not providing what she needed, and she heard the words of discouragement this lady was feeding to her new mother. Imagine what she was going through not knowing what the next day or moment will bring - not knowing if her new environment was going to bring happiness or pain. That day I made the choice. I committed to the investment and sacrifice to provide a better environment for her. Today, that once difficult and scared 5-month old puppy who hid under my dining room table for two days now runs my household. She has blossomed. She is my heart and my best friend. Again, she did not have a choice, but she was provided an environment of growth and love where she trusts that her owner mom will continue to provide the best for her. These two examples provide some valuable lessons. I was the investor in both situations. For the magnolia flower, I knew I could not provide what it needed. For Sunny, I made the investment. One thrived and one died. Here's what you need to ask yourself before making a choice to change your environment: 1) Will that environment invest in you more or comparably to what you have invested in yourself? 2) Will you be in a place to grow and blossom? 3) Over time, will the environment sustain a healthy level of growth and development? Remember, most of the time, it is your choice. Choose wisely and if you make the wrong choice, be willing to walk away! Be Blessed! ~ Hugs, Carla
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Week 2 - Focusing on you
Download Our 2022 Digital Planner. Goal Coach Carla Stokes talks about how to use the "My Daily Journal" page to use as a tool for positivity to stop negative thinking. Print the pages and follow us as we move through each page. We are going to make this year our best year ever.
Click Here to Download the planner with 40% off at checkout Week 1 Gratitude
Download Our 2022 Digital Planner. Goal Coach Carla Stokes talks about how to use the "I am grateful for" page to use as a tool for positivity to stop negative thinking. Print the pages and follow us as we move through each page. We are going to make this year our best year ever.
Click Here to Download the planner with 40% off at checkout
I’ve been tried to the ten thousandth degree recently and retreated to complaining mode (asking Why is this happening? Why I’m going through this? Why all my efforts seem to exacerbate the situation?) There was no peace to be found there.
The situation kept pressing, and yes, the feeling of helplessness was slowly tearing me down. I needed to be there, because I needed to see how I was focusing on the external. I reached out instead of reaching in! In that particular area, I forgot about what God has done in every other area of my life. For several days, I wanted so badly to fix it, claim the victory, and move on that I was putting band aids on battle wounds! Me, of all people whom God has carried through many storms before forgot to give this one over to Him! I slipped up.I’m always telling others that “God’s got it”! And when I reached a mountain, I forgot to remind myself of that! The time I wasted trying to climb the mountain by myself is time I will never get back! Well, I definitely remember now!!! God moves mountains so there ain’t no reason to waste energy on a climb! He got me! I’m not helpless! I am strong! I’m not weak! My Faith is powerful! I’m not weary! I am blessed! Today, I ask for His Forgiveness for my hesitation in turning this over to Him. Today, I’m thankful for the reminder that every situation is covered by things bigger than me. And today, I am most grateful for that humbling moment when the sun rays began to shine through the clouds again. I AM NOW HERE☀️💫♥️🙏🏾👑 #waymaker Stepping into SpringAs we embark on a new season, goals are ever so important. Here are some words of wisdom from my Spring Journal about confidence and goals. Confidence is everything! Yeah! That's me in a swimsuit. One thing for sure is that I do not lack confidence. I spent most of my life try to carry the weight of other people's worlds and holding back on my own growth. I am no longer sorry if I offend you, I live for myself. Don't get me wrong - I'm still the woman who cares and will lend a shoulder to cry on, but when it comes to the opinions of others - I'm all for me. My most important goal for this Spring is to practice meditation. I plan to master 15 minutes of pure meditation. Remember meditation is a form of prayer. It is when you achieve a level of peace that allows you to be in sync with your spiritual self. The ability to block out your thoughts and spend one-on-one with God is only achieved through disciplined practice. This is a growth goal of mine which is very dear.
Don't let me start with absorption. Do a self-inventory - what are you dealing with that does not need to be in your space? When you absorb someone else's negative energy, it impacts you. It impacts your ability to function. Set a goal to clear your space of negativity. Protect your life and the quality of it. Keep your mind and environment positive. Lastly, set a reward for yourself, once you accomplish your goal. Check out my confidence walk below. Achievement is the outcome of setting goals and being determined to make them happen. Remember, hold your head up high and keep growing! ![]() MY STANDING DESK When I made the transition to working online 13 years ago, I was very concerned about the amount of time I would spend being seated during my day. Working at home has many benefits, but without a plan, it can take a toll on your health. With meetings and work demands, you may spend hours at a time sitting if you are not aware. I hope this post is helpful for those who are working at home because of the pandemic. It is recommended that every hour you spend 45 - 55 minutes seated at the computer and 5-15 minutes of moving around. Well, I've tried that for years. I tried it with a timer. I've tried it with an app. Regardless, I end up spending 2-3 hours sitting and working at a time. I've heard about standing desks and treadmill desks for a while now. Well, the treadmill desk was not an option - imagine the complaints I would get from my clients hearing the heavy breathing LOL. Five years ago, the price range for standing desks was $250 - $400. Now, the prices are finally coming down. Today is my first day working at my new desk and I love it. I'm excited about burning the extra 24 calories per hour that standing uses compared to sitting. I'm also excited about the improved circulation in my legs and being able to do a few squats while waiting for the voicemails to pick up. I think this new office design is really going to improve my health and quality of work. So from now on, I will be standing and not whistling while I work.
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June 2022