I’ve been tried to the ten thousandth degree recently and retreated to complaining mode (asking Why is this happening? Why I’m going through this? Why all my efforts seem to exacerbate the situation?) There was no peace to be found there.
The situation kept pressing, and yes, the feeling of helplessness was slowly tearing me down. I needed to be there, because I needed to see how I was focusing on the external. I reached out instead of reaching in! In that particular area, I forgot about what God has done in every other area of my life. For several days, I wanted so badly to fix it, claim the victory, and move on that I was putting band aids on battle wounds! Me, of all people whom God has carried through many storms before forgot to give this one over to Him! I slipped up.I’m always telling others that “God’s got it”! And when I reached a mountain, I forgot to remind myself of that! The time I wasted trying to climb the mountain by myself is time I will never get back! Well, I definitely remember now!!! God moves mountains so there ain’t no reason to waste energy on a climb! He got me! I’m not helpless! I am strong! I’m not weak! My Faith is powerful! I’m not weary! I am blessed! Today, I ask for His Forgiveness for my hesitation in turning this over to Him. Today, I’m thankful for the reminder that every situation is covered by things bigger than me. And today, I am most grateful for that humbling moment when the sun rays began to shine through the clouds again. I AM NOW HERE☀️💫♥️🙏🏾👑 #waymaker
What once was will never be"2020" We may never ever need to say that again. In a few days, we will be starting a new year. I'm so looking forward to it, but I hope I'm not the only one who can say that despite the challenges of 2020, I experienced the most growth both personally and emotionally than I have ever done throughout my 46 years. Let's dive right into it!
Maintaining what works - In the absence of being physically present, you can show and interact with love ones by answering when they need you, using Facetime, and reaching out through cards or texts. I remember when my son and I were doing a walkthrough of a house I was thinking about buying. He and I included my daughter by having her on Facetime. She was able to see what we saw and hear our thoughts about the house in real time. She also asked questions to the realtor. She was in a sense there. Yes, it was different, but it worked.
![]() Promoting Self Love -I've had a lot of time to reflect during 2020. So many things happened that were beyond my control that I had to rediscover what at the end of the day makes me happy. Sitting down to a movie with a glass of wine, studying a different language, reading a book, treating myself to a bubble bath in the middle of the day, enjoying a walk on the beach, or even having a quiet moment of meditation were all ways I showed myself self love. When you try, you can make something beautiful from very little. For example, I began to mix lavender oil and shea butter with cane sugar, honey, and coconut oil to create an all-natural scrub. Along with warm water, my bath tub became an oasis for refreshing my soul and exfoliating my skin.
Women's Mental Health
Be Aware Of Your Internal Signs
We all lead stressful lives. At some point, you have to slow down and take a step back. Whether you are worried about your kids or a little short on a bill or maybe your friend said something you did not like, there is always something to fret about in the daily life of a woman. Despite what is going on in our lives, we are expected to still meet our responsibilities and step up to our roles as mom, leader, confidant, guider, and coordinator. But what happens when you realize there is overload? How does a woman cope when the pressure is on max? One indicator of meeting my breaking point is a noticeable increase in anxiety. When I get nervous or start to become short tempered with those around me, those are my internal signs that I need to take a break - I need to step away. There are so many factors that happen beyond your control. I have lost my Father, then Mother, then Brother-in-law, then Sister, then another Sister. I know what being on the verge of mental breakdown feels like. Grief is no joke.
1. Talk to someone. Do not let negativity or what you are worrying about brew. It is so much easier to talk with a family member or close friend about your problem, than to let it snowball. If you are in a disagreement with a spouse or significant other - talk to them about it.
2. Pray! Rely on your Faith during your time of need. Some things you may not want to talk about with a person. Always take your worries to God for He alone is all powerful and can resolve it. 3. Spend time with yourself. Take a break when you need to. Go get your nails done or have some ice cream. You can also go on an overnight trip. Plan a mini vacation where you can relax and recover. 4. Seek professional help. There seems to be a stereotype that goes along with therapy, but you have to ignore it. Talking with a non-biased person confidentially can go a long way. Keep in mind, that most healthcare plans cover counseling services. I hope this blog post helps you with whatever you are going through. Know that we all have good days and bad days - it's how you work through them that matters. Comment below with how you cope with life's punches. I would love to see what you do. Be Blessed today and always, Carla your environment mattersI've spent my whole life thinking of others and mostly, putting others' needs before my own. It was part of my upbringing, the culture of what I was learned to do. Don't get me wrong, taking care of others is not a curse; it is, in fact, rewarding on many levels. It is still instilled in me, but that priority has changed. In 2016, I started my metamorphosis. It was not on purpose. I've always desired to own my own business, but I knew I could not afford to support my family if I quit my main job. Instead, I started growing my business on weekends and late nights. Many people will call it a "side hustle"; I now call it my expansion period. Having the ability to change your work habits to gain what you need in order to grow is HUGE!
Everyone has had a Delivered-By-Grace moment. Check out this video blog and be sure to click and buy the items in this post. Special thanks to my family and friends... without God and what He does through you, I would be a grain of sand on a rocky shore... Much Love, Carla
Shopping Links: Women's Small - XL Delivered by Grace Inspirational T-shirt Plus size Delivered by Grace Inspirational Women's Plus Size T shirt Purple Leggings Love is patient, love is kind... I was married for 21 years. The journey to separating 10/13/2019 and finalizing our divorce 11/12/2019 was an easy one. I’m a praying woman. I’m a reasonable woman. I was a good wife.
Ladies, who you are is not based on what you want to happen but it is based on what you need to happen. When you love someone 100% and they reciprocate less, you do not have balance. Balance is what makes love strong and it makes love enduring. I did not pray to the Lord to save my marriage, because he had already revealed to me that it was broken. I prayed to the Lord for the strength to let go... He gave that to me. I prayed to the Lord for peace... He gave that to me. I prayed to the Lord for my adult children to understand and know they are loved by both parents... He gave that to me. I prayed to the Lord for my ex-husband to be happy...He gave me peace that he is okay. I thank God for everything I have learned in this chapter in my life. I cherish every experience and every memory. I am ready for what God has in mind for my future. I know I am prepared to embrace it. And now my next chapter begins... |
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June 2022